Lost and found book series

From the bluford high series, lost and found depicts the struggles of darcy and her family life, including the return of her father and troubling behavior from her sister. Home books by series about blog events extras where to buy newsletter back all books new books. The lost and found series by usa bestselling author j. I love everything about this book, the family dynamics, the humor and the amazing romance. The cuny poetics document initiative publishes unexpected, genrebending works. If you like dark suspense, novice detectives, and courageous animals, then youll love amy shojai. Darcy contends with the return of her longabsent father, the. Author of lost and found series, romances with wounded veteran heroes. The series started in the year 20, with the release of embattled hearts.

So i just wanna start by saying this series is one of my absolute favourites and the first time i. This, the first book in the bluford series, centers on the life of bluford sophomore darcy wills. Lost and found the september day series book 1 kindle. New york times bestselling author of military romance and contemporary romance. Lost and found bluford high, book 1 by anne schraff. This 35k word novella is also part of the uniform want to read. Lost and found the september day series 2nd edition by amy shojai author.

Madden is from the military romance suspense genre. Lost and found series in order nicole williams fictiondb. Lost and found shows so many layers these two have together, that to describe any events once nate goes to l. There are both novels and short stories to the series. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Published on sep 20, 2015 the debut lighthouse film lost and found in affiliation with guarecords, details the journey of a young man who is. J m maddens lost and found books in order fantastic fiction.